Friday, March 20, 2020

102 Analyzing a Text and Pathos Professor Ramos Blog

102 Analyzing a Text and Pathos Quick Write Quick Write Tips for Finding a Text Start with a question. What do you care about? What matters to you? Find a text you can see multiple times. Pick a scene from a movie. A short film, text, ad, song, video, or commercial. Something related to what you are interested in that you can look at several times. Ask yourself, How does this help others? Will analyzing this text connect to a broader or more important topic? 4 Ways to Persuade with Emotion (Pathos) Four Strategies Concrete Examples Connotative Diction Metaphors and Similes Tone Appeals to pathos target the link between audience members and their values. When we act on our values, we experience emotions like happiness, pride, satisfaction, etc. When we do not, we often feel shame, fear, or anger. The same goes for the actions of people around us: we are often pleased when the actions of people around us align with our values and angry when they don’t. Types of emotional appeals: appeal to pity appeal to fear appeal to self-interest Sexual bandwagon humor celebrity testimonials identity prejudice lifestyle stereotypes patriotic Rhetorical Analysis We are going to analyze a text together. Take notes on what you notice. Start with the Text See first, then look. What do you see? What stands out? What is happening? For this assignment you will pick a text, define, describe, and analyze the rhetorical context and/or argument the text is making. All texts have an author or authors and are created with a purpose. A rhetorical analysis helps us to understand the purpose it was created for and what it is saying or arguing. Consider the ethos, pathos, and logos of the text. What appeals are being used in the text you are analyzing? Ethos – appeals to character. Pathos – emotional appeals. Logos – appeals to reason and evidence. What to look at for  a Rhetorical Analysis Consider the topic. Consider the audiences of the text. Consider the author. Consider the medium and design. Examine the language. Consider the occasion. Be specific when referring to your text. Have the text in front of you if you can. Then you can reference specifics and avoid generalizations. A  Checklist for Analyzing Images (Especially Advertisements) on page 145  of our textbook is very thorough and helpful for analyzing visual images. Pages  181-182  have checklists that are helpful for doing the work of  analyzing arguments. Use these as guidelines to begin your analysis. Page  191-192 has a checklist for writing your analysis of an argument. Very helpful for the early stages of drafting. Sample Rhetorical Analyses Segregation and Unequal Representation Demonization What the Truck The Logic of Suicide Call Me, Beep Me, If Ya Wanna Reach  Me. In the Arms of an  Angel ‘Imagine’ World Peace. I Wonder If You Can Research for a Rhetorical Analysis The assignment asks you to research scholarly sources to add to your analysis. If your text is dealing with a major issue, you will want to find some scholarly research to help define, back up, and analyze the text. For example. If your text deals with gender issues, search for gender AND media. Or gender AND ads. Or sexism and media. What else can you look up? Find keywords related to the broader topic and bring in research to use in your analysis. Homework Rough Draft of Rhetorical Analysis Begin researching for your rhetorical analysis Journal Response 4 DUE Read Chapter 7, Using Sources

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Bony Fish Facts

Bony Fish Facts Most of the worlds fish species are categorized into two types: bony fish and cartilaginous fish. In simple terms, a bony fish (Osteichthyes)  is one whose skeleton is made of bone, while a cartilaginous fish (Chondrichthyes) has a  skeleton made of soft, flexible cartilage. A third type of fish, including eels and hagfish, is the group known as Agnatha, or jawless fish.   The cartilaginous fish include sharks,  skates,  and  rays.  Virtually all other fish fall into the class of bony fish which includes over 50,000 species. Fast Facts: Bony Fish Scientific Name: Osteichthyes, Actinopterygii, SacropterygiiCommon Names: Bony fish, ray-finned and lobe-finned fishesBasic Animal Group: FishSize: From below a half inch to 26 feet longWeight: Well under an ounce to 5,000 poundsLifespan: A few months to 100 years or longer  Diet:  Carnivore, Omnivore, HerbivoreHabitat: Polar, temperate, and tropical ocean waters as well as freshwater environmentsConservation Status: Some species are Critically Endangered and Extinct. Description All bony fishes have sutures in their neurocranium and segmented fin rays derived from their epidermis. Both bony fish and cartilaginous fish breathe through gills, but bony fish also have a hard, bony plate covering their gills. This feature is called an operculum. Bony fish may also have distinct rays, or spines, in their fins. And unlike cartilaginous fish, bony fish have swim or gas bladders to regulate their buoyancy. Cartilaginous fish, on the other hand, must swim constantly to stay afloat.     Mint Images/Getty Images Species Bony fish are considered to members of the class  Osteichthyes, which is subdivided into two main types of bony fish: Ray-finned fishes, or ActinopterygiiLobe-finned fishes, or Sarcopterygii, which includes the coelacanths and lungfishes. The subclass Sarcopterygii is made up of about 25,000 species, all characterized by the presence of enamel on their teeth. They have a central axis of bone that acts as a unique skeletal support for fins and limbs, and their upper jaws are fused with their skulls. Two major groups of fishes fit under the Sarcopterygii: the Ceratodontiformes (or lungfishes) and the Coelacanthiformes (or coelacanths), once thought to be extinct. Actinopterygii includes 33,000 species in 453 families. They are found in all aquatic habitats and range in body size from under a half inch to over 26 feet long. The Ocean sunfish weighs up to over 5,000 pounds. The members of this subclass have enlarged pectoral fins and fused pelvic fins.  Species include Chondroste, which are primitive ray-finned bony fishes; Holostei or Neopterygii, the intermediate ray-finned fishes like sturgeons, paddlefish, and bichirs; and Teleostei or Neopterygii, the advanced bony fishes such as herring, salmon, and perch.   Habitat and Distribution Bony fish can be found in waters all around the world, freshwater and saltwater both, unlike cartilagenous fish who are found only in salt waters.  Marine bony fish live in all the oceans, from shallow to deep waters, and in both cold and warm temperatures. Their lifespans range from a few months to over 100 years. An extreme example of bony fish adaptation is the Antarctic icefish, which lives in waters so cold that antifreeze proteins circulate through its body to keep it from freezing. Bony fish also comprise virtually all freshwater species living in lakes, rivers, and streams.  Sunfish, bass, catfish, trout, and pike are examples of bony fish, as are the freshwater tropical fish that you see in aquariums.   Other species of bony fish include: TunaAtlantic codRed lionfishGiant frogfishSeahorsesOcean sunfish Rodrigo Friscione/Getty Images Diet and Behavior A bony fishs prey depends on the species but may include plankton, crustaceans (e.g., crabs), invertebrates (e.g., green sea urchins), and even other fish. Some species of bony fish are virtual omnivores, eating all manner of animal and plant life.   Bony fish behavior varies greatly, depending on the  species. Smaller bony fish swim in schools for protection. Some like the tuna swim continually while others (stonefish and flatfish) spend most of their time lying on the seafloor. Some such as morays only hunt at night; some like butterfly fishes do so during the day; and others are most active at dawn and dusk.   Reproduction and Offspring Some bony fish are born sexually mature or become mature shortly after birth; most mature within the first one to five years. The main reproduction mechanism is external fertilization. During the spawning season, females release hundreds to thousands of eggs in the water, and males release sperm and fertilize the eggs. Not all bony fish do lay eggs: Some are live-bearing. Some are hermaphrodites (the same fish has both male and female genitalia), and other bony fish switch genders over time. Some, like the seahorse, are oviparous, meaning the eggs are fertilized in the parent who feeds them from a yolk sac. Among seahorses, the male carries the offspring until they are born.   Evolutionary History The first fish-like creatures appeared over 500 million years ago. Bony fish and cartilaginous fish diverged into separate classes about 420 million years ago. Cartilaginous species are sometimes seen as more primitive, and for good reason. The evolutionary appearance of bony fish eventually led to land-dwelling vertebrates with bony skeletons. And the gill structure of bony fish gill was a feature that would eventually evolve into air-breathing lungs. Bony fishes are therefore a more direct ancestor to humans.   Conservation Status Most bony fish species are classed as Least Concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), but there numerous species that are Vulnerable, Near Threatened, or Critically Threatened, such as Metriaclima koningsi of Africa. Sources Bony and Ray-Finned Fishes. Endangered Species International, 2011.  Class Osteichthyes. The Biology Classroom of Mr. Pletsch. University of British Columbia, February 2, 2017.Hastings, Philip A., Harold Jack Walker, and Grantly R. Galland. Fishes: A Guide to Their Diversity. Berkeley, University of California Press, 2014.Konings, A. Metriaclima . The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: e.T124556154A124556170, 2018.  koningsiMartin, R.Adam. Fathoming Geologic Time. ReefQuest Centre for Shark Research.Plessner, Stephanie. Fish Groups. Florida Museum of Natural History: Ichthyology.